Thursday, January 27, 2022


  Realbloggerinfo       Thursday, January 27, 2022

Districtl'rogramme Management  Unit, DHH, KANDHAMAL, PhuIbani


The Director,    1& P. R Dept,
Lok Sampark Bhawan, Bhubaneswar
Sub: Publication of the advertisement.
Please find here with a specimen copy of the advertisement  for Publication of the same in Two
No's of daily news paper (One time)
This is for favor of your kind information and necessary action.
CDM&PHOcum District Mission Director
1.Copy to the DPM/ DAM,NHM,Kandhamal for information and necessary action.
2.Copy to the notice Board, DPMU,O/O-CDM&PHOK, andhamal for wide publication.
3.Copy to the Head Clerk, %       the CDM&PHO,Kandhamal for information and necessary action.
4.Copy to the DI&PRO,KandhamaLfor information & necessary  action.
•5.Copy to the DIOr NIC,Kandhamal for information-with  a request  to publish the same along.with the enclosures  (enclosed herewith) in the  district website for information of the candidates.
6.Copy submitted  to the Collector ~ DMKandhamal for favour of kind information.
7.Copy submitted  to the Mission Director, NHMOdisha for favour of kind information.


DistrictProgramme Management  Unit.  DIIH.  KANDHAMAL,  PhuIbani 


Interested  candidates   fulfilling     the  eligibility     criteria   are  requested  to  attend  the  Walk-in-Interview       for  filling    up  the following    posts under  National   Health  Mission.   Kandhamal   on daily  wages  basis (  Remuneration: -  per session
(90 Minutes)   including   conveyance)    as noted against each

.General   Terms  c11Cl onditions:
I.   The following posts under National Health Mission. Kandhamal on daily wagesbasis (Allowances:  per session (90 Minutes) including conveyance) as noted against each, which can be extended depending upon requirement and suitability.
2.The application should reach to the undersignedon or before  through Speed
Post1 Regd. Post only. Incomplete application in any form will be rejected.
3.The candidates must submit their scanned copy of  their application  form and required documents through Speed Post 1 Regd. Post only (Address: To the CDM&rIIO    cum Dist. Mission Director.. NIIM.  Kandhamal. Phulbani. AtlPo-Phulbani. Dist-Kandharnal.  PIN-762001.)
4.Candidates,  who  are already  working   in  Health  Department  either  on regular  or on contractual  basis, have  to submit  "No  Objection   Ceni ficaie'   from  concerned  employer. 
5.The application   form  is available  in    and  filled  application   form along  with  the color  passport size photograph.  self-attested  photocopies  of all relevant  certificate  and mark-sheets shall be submitted  by the applicant  at the time of appearing for certificate   verification,   ifshortlisted.
6.No personal query will  be entertained.
7.Selection  will  be done as per the guideline  stipulated  by the Mission  Director,  NHM,   Odisha.
8.All  the applicants  are supposed to visit  the district   web  site (      time  to time  for getting  updates on selection  procedure. No paper publication  should  be awaited.
9.Number  of vacancies as mentioned  under this advertisement  may vary at the time or actual engagement.
10.The  undersigned   reserves the  right  to  cancel  any  or  all  the applications   /  positions  at any stage of recruitment  process without  assigning  any reason thereof.
II.No T AIDA  will  be provided  for this purpose.
12.The applicants  are requested to super-scribe  the name of post in the top of the envelope.

Application    Form


Declaratiou.I  do hereby declare that the information furnished above are true to (he best of 111)
knowledge  and bel ie I' and that. ir at any stage, it is found that any of the above material information   is false  I
incorrect or is suppressed by  me, Illy candidature I appointment under lSS,  NHM, Kandhamal is liable to be
rejected / terminated. I also declare that I have never been disengaged from service under the      on administrative   ground such as disobedience / poor performances   I misbehavior'  I criminal  activity  etc.
Further,  I undertake that I shall produce all original certificates  / documents in support of the above information  at the Iime of Interview  / certi ficate veri fication.
Candidates    are  required   to  attach  the  following    documents    along  with  the  application    form.
1.One recent passport size color photograph  duly pasted at the designed  space.
2.Self-attested photocopy  ofldentity  Proof (Voter lD card I PAN card / Driving License / Aadhar Card I
3.Self-attested   copies of All Mark sheet and certificate in proof of the claim made by the candidate relating
10 his/her educational qualification.
4.Self' attested copy of HSC or equivalent marks sheet and certi ficate (proof of age)
5.Self attested copy of Registration   Certi ficate etc.
6.Self attested copy of Caste Certificate  issued by the competent Authority  for SC/ST/SEBC  candidates.
7.Self attested copy of all documents in support of claim raised for PWD.  Sports person, Ex-serviceman.


Thanks for reading Recruitment of various post in OFFICE OF THE CDM.&PHO-cum-DISTRICT MISSION DIRECTOR, KANDHAMAL

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