Government of India, Ministry of Defence,
Principal Directorate, Defence Estates, Southern Command,
Kondhwa Road, Pune
Applications in prescribed format are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Junior Hindi Translator, Sub Divisional Officer Grade-II and Hindi Typist in the offices of Defence Estates Organisation, Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence.
(*) Scale of pay and allowances shown in the table are as per 6th CPCand have been revised to 7th
CPCpay scales.
(1)Educational Qualification for Junior Hindi Translator
(i)Master's degree of a recognized University in Hindi/English as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at degree level. or
(ii)'Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi/English with Hindi/English medium and English/Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or either as a compulsory/elective subject at degree level. Or
(iii)Master's degree of a recognized University in any subject other than Hindi/English
with Hindi/English medium and English/Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at degree level. Or
(iv)Bachelor's degree of a recognized University with Hindi and English as a compulsory
/elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory/elective subject plus recognized diploma/certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa in Central/State Govt. of India undertaking.
(2)Educational Qualification for Sub Divisional Offlcer-Il i) Matriculation pass from a recognised Board.
(ii)Diploma or Certificate of a registered or recognized institute in Surveying or
Draftsmanship(Civil) of not less than two years.
(3)Educational Qualification for Hindi Typist
(i)Matriculation or equivalent examination from recognized School/Board. (ii) Speed of not less than 25 words per minute in Typewriting in Hindi.
(4)Exam pattern for Junior Hindi Translator
There will be written test of 200 marks in respect of Junior Hindi Translator. The Written
Exam for JHT shall comprise of Objective Type Test (120 Marks) consisting of General English, General Knowledge, Hindi Grammar, Translation related questions and Descriptive Type Test (80 Marks) consisting of Translation of Passage (English to Hindi and Hindi to English). The duration of the exam shall be of2 hours.
(5)Exam pattern for Sub Divisional Offlcer-Il
There will be written test of 150 marks of 2 Hrs duration. The test paper will be bilingual (Hindi and English). The components of written test will be of technical knowledge (100 marks), General Knowledge/General Aptitude (25 marks) and General English (25 marks).Short listed candidates will have to appear in skill test to test their handling capability of Electronic Total Station and other practical aspects of Land survey. The skill test shall be of qualifying nature. The skill test shall be held next-to-next (i.e.Zv') day of the written test only for the short-listed candidates who qualify the written test.
(6)Exam pattern for Hindi Typist
Selection of Hindi Typist shall be based on marks obtained in Written Test. The Written Test for the candidates shall comprise Objective Type questions of 100 marks. The components of the written test will be of Hindi Language, General Knowledge, General Awareness, Hindi Grammar and Mental Ability. The duration of the written exam shall be of 2 hours. The duration of the skill test shall be of 10 minutes and conduct on computers. The skill test shall be of qualifying nature. The skill test shall be held next-to-next (i.e.2nd) day of the written test only for the short-listed candidates who qualify the written test.
(7)Age relaxation for various categories is as under :-
Note : Regarding age relaxation for various categories, the latest DOPT rules shall be applicable.
(8)The post carries All India Service Liability (AISL). Thus, the candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in INDIA.
(9)Eligible candidates working in Central/State Government, etc must submit their applications through proper channel and have to produce "No Objection Certificate" on demand.
(10)The application should be filled in prescribed proforma given below and sent by
"Ordinary Post" in an envelope as "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR HINDI TRANSLATOR/ SUB DIVISIONAL OFFICER, GRADE-II/ HINDI TYPIST and should be addressed to the "Principal Director, Defence Estates, Southern Command, Near ECHS Polyclinic, Kondhwa Road, Pune (Maharashtra)-411040". Candidates should send the application form along with admit card duly filled (Sl. No.1, 2, 3 & 4 of admit card only )affixing recent photographs duly self attested.
(11)Written and Skill test shall be held at Pune/Delhi (NIDEM)/ Barrackpore Cantt.(Kolkata).
(12)The candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) have to submit Income and Assets Certificate issued by Competent Authority as per Government rule. (DoPT letter No. 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31st January, 2019.
(i) Copy of Ex-servicemen Identity Card (ii) Copy of Discharge Certificate from Service and
(iii) copy of Pension PPO.
(14)Candidates belonging to the OBC and Non Creamy Layer category should submit certificate issued by the Competent Authority which should be valid for current year.
(15)Eligible candidates will have to appear for written/skill test for which date, time and venue shall be intimated to each candidate separately. No TA/DA shall be paid for appearing in the above exams. The candidates should bring their admit cards along with them for appearing in the written test.
(16)No interview shall be conducted.
(17)The Department reserves the rights of cancelling the candidature of any candidate found indulging in any malpractice i.e. hiding any material information or misrepresentation of facts. All such candidates shall be liable to be debarred from the present recruitment as well as future recruitment conducted by the Defence Estates Department and criminal proceeding may also be initiated against them.
(18)Being successful in test merely, does not entitle a candidate for appointment until the Government, after completion of such investigation, as it may consider necessary, has satisfied itself that the candidate is suitable in all respects for appointment.
(19)Decision of Appointing Authority would be final with regard to all matters connected with the appointment. .
(20)Two self addressed envelopes of size 10 cm x 22cm affixed with Rs. 10/- postal stamp each are required to be attached along with the application.
(21)Two passport size photographs duly self attested (one is to be affixed on application form and other to be enclosed with the application) are required.
(22)Department shall not be responsible for any postal delay/loss.
(23)Photocopy of self attested documents relating to Date of Birth, Educational Qualification, Category Certificate (if applicable) and Disability Certificate (if applicable) specifying percentage of disability should be attached.
(24)Incomplete applications without relevant documents, signatures and applications received after due date shall be summarily rejected.
(25)Government strives to a work force which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
(26)Last date for the receipt of the application form is 15-01-2022 upto 17:00 Hrs. For candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaul & Spiti, Districts and Pangi, (Sub-Division of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh), Andaman Nicobar and Lakshadweep islands are given Two weeks extra time to submit the application.
(27)A reserve panel of candidates will be drawn against each category as per instant Govt. instructions in this regard. Being on, such panel does not bestow any right for the appointment.
(28)Resolution of Tie Cases:
If two or more candidates secure equal total marks, the merit will be decided by applying following criteria:
•Date of Birth, with older candidate placed higher and in that order in case more candidates securing equal marks.
(29)Application Fee &Mbde of Payment;
(i)Fee payable Rs.200/- ( Rupees Two Hundred Only) through Demand Draft in favour of
Union Bank of India, Headquarter Southern Command Branch, Pune-01.
(ii)Women candidate and candidates belonging to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Ex Servicemen & Economically Weaker Sections eligible for reservation are exempted from payment Offee.
(iii)Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.
(30)Application forms can be downloaded from the websites of the following offices:-
Principal Director, Defence Estates
Southern Command, Near ECHS
Polyclinic, Kondhwa Road, Pune
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