In supersession of tho: University's Advertisement No. applications on prescribed form arc invited from Indian Nauonals for filling up the following POStS with the University Grant Commission's pay scale:
Candidates who applied earlier against Advenisemeru No.-I'I7 dated 71h June 2017,
-\uvertisemen( No.J, 19 Dated. the 271h May, 2019, Advertisement No.-I/19 Dated, the
61h August. 2019. Advertisement No. I 1020 Dated
, the 30lh January. 2020 and .-\dvenisement
No. 112020 Dated the 16thJuly 20~() lor posts where selection process could not be completed
are mandatorily required to apply afresh. Applicauon fee ~dlble waived and proof of
remittance may be enclosed tor such appl icants.
* otes 011 Corri:,:,clldum:
1.The specializarion for the post of Professor in Department of History given :IS "OPE "for
speelnlizarion under AdYI. No. 2/2020 daleulhe 16' •.July, 2020 and Corrigendunl dated 18'h July.
2020 has been changed to "Modern Indian History" specialization.
2.One post of Associute Professor reserved for OBC in the DepilrlnH~nl or English under Advt,
No. 2/2020 dated the 16tb July, 2020 and Cerrigenuun, dated 18'b July, 2020 have been reverted
10 T category. (Please refer to Ad, ertisement No. 112020dated the 30'h January. 2020)
3.One post of Associate Profes 0" in Department of Earth cience as in AdvertiseD.cnt No.m021
dated 2-1/U12021 has no\\ been placed in I.J R CllfegOl').
-I.One Post or Assistant Professor in Department of Earth cience as in Advertisement No.JJ2021 dated 2-111212021 has 110\\ been placed in UR caiegol').
5.One Post of Assistant Professor' in Depuruueut of Library Information cience has been
reverted to UR po 't as US already in Advertisement
6.One Post of Assistant profe or ill Department or ~J:lSS Communication has been reverted
SC post as was already in Advertisement
7.One post of A istant Profc sor in Department of Lingui rics ns in Advertisement dated has now been placed in R category.
Eligible candidates are required to apply online through the official website WW\ and submit the downloaded hard copy of the application form along with the required documents and proof of fee payment (0' The Registrar, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal - 795003. The 'Name of the post Applied for' must be clearly mentioned on the envelope containing the application. Those in the service should apply through proper channel.
Information sheet containing the details of specialization. terms and conditions for the
advertised posts can be downloaded from the University
Application fee of Rs. 1000/- for UR/OBCIEW candidates and Rs.candidates bas to be remitted through RTGSINEFT to Bank of Baroda, Manlpur University Branch, Canchipur, lmphaJ. India
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