Saturday, January 22, 2022

Recruitment of various post in Government of West Bengal District Health &Family Welfare Samiti

  Realbloggerinfo       Saturday, January 22, 2022

Government of West Bengal
District Health &Family Welfare Samiti
Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health

Recruitment Notification

Online application  are invited  for  engagement of different  categories of  employees for  variouspostsof NHM & WBSAP&CoSn purely temporary  basis.
Eligible candidates   may  apply  online         in  the   prescribed   format   from
13.01.2022    to   22.01.2022.       The  details  also  given   in  Department's     Website   (•
recruitment)   &  for the va rio  u s  posts  as given below.
Ta ble N0: 1 Vacancies  un der  Dept.o  fH&FW   
an dNHM : 


4.    Eligibility   C.•iteria   fo." the  post  ofLT   NCD  :

5.Eligibility   Criteria    for  the  post  of  MO,  Thalassemia    Control   Programme     (Haemoglobinopathies
Control  Programme)   : Qualification    required:
a)Minimum  qualification   required­
MBBS  Degree  recognized  by MCI
ii)Experience   in working  with Thalassaernia   patient
Monthly  Contractual   Remuneration-     RsAO,OOOI-    per month
Age Limit:    Not more than 63 (Sixty three)  years of 1st date of year of publication  of the advertisement
6.Eligibility      Criteria       for     the     post     of        Counsellor,       Thalassemia       Control      Programme
(Haernoglobinopathies    Control  Programme): Qualification    requi."ed:
a)  Minimum  qualification   required-
M.A.  /  M.Sc.  in Sociology/   Applied  Psychology. b)  Desirable
Experience   in working  with Thalasaemia    patients   and  their  families. Maximum age required   •
40 (Forty) years
7.Eligibility      Criteria    for    the    post    of       Staff    Nurse,    Thalassemia    Control    Programme
(Haemoglobinopathies    Control  Programme):           
Qualification    required:
Qualification   required-
a.Minimum   qualification   required-
Completed GNM course   recognized by Indian  Nursing   Council  (JNC).
Experience   in working  with  Thalassemia   patients    and  their  families.
Maximum age required   •
40 (Forty) years
8.Eligibility   Crite.•ia   for the  post  ofLDC   -A ¥USH: Retired  State Govt.  Employees  (as per TOR)
Age:  Below  62 years  as on the  ISI  date of year of publ ication
9.Eligibility   Cl'itel"ia  for the  post  of Gr.D  Staff-AYUSH: Retired  State Govt.  Employees  (as per TOR)
Age:  Below  62 years  as on the  Ist  date of year of publ ication
10.Eligibility   Criteria    for" the  post  of Medical   Officer  ARTC: Essential   Qualification    & Experience:

14.   Eligibility    Criteria     for  the   post   of  Senior     T'reatment    Supervisor    (STS):­
Selection    Criteria:    Age  Limit:    Up  to  40  Years       
Qualification Required:

  17. Eligibility   Criteria    fOI"  the  post  of Tuberculosis      Health    Visitor    (TBHV):­ Selection  Criteria:    Age Limit:   Up to 40 Yeal"s
Qualification    Required:

General    instruction/s      for  the  candidates
1.Only  online   Applications     will  be  accepted.    Application    forms  not  properly    filled  in or  incomplete Application    forms   are   liable  to  be  cancelled.    If   the  online   application    details    submitted    by  the applicant    differ  with  the  original  testimonials, that  application    shall  liable  to be cancelled   .
2.If proper   sil;Sllature  and  photograph     is not  uploaded   at  the  time  of online   applicat  ion  that application    shall  also  liable  to be cancelled.
3.The  Essential   Qualification     mentioned    arc  the   minimum    and   mere   possession    of  the  same   docs not  entitle   the  candidate    to claim  selection.
4.The  originals   of each  of the  following   documents    staled   below   must   be  brought   for  verification whenever    asked  for:
Photo   proof  identity   card  (Any one-  Passport/     Voter  Card   I AADHAR Card/    PAN Card/ Driving  License).
Proof  of Address   (Anyone     Passport/     Voter  lD Card/    AADHAR Card/   Driving  License). Age Proof  Certificate    (Madhyarnik   or equivalent    examination    certificate).
Caste  Category   Certificate   (ifany). In case  ofSC.  ST.  OBC Candidates    (category   Aor   R) must
be mentioned    specifically   in the  caste  certificate    issued   by the appropriate     authority. All  mark  sheets   starting    from  Secondary   onwards   all  examination.
Computer    Education   certificate    /docurnents  should   be submitted    as per  requirement.
All the   experience     certificate     issued   and   stamped    by  the  appropriate      authority    starting from  oldest   to latest.
Experience    will  be  calculated    after   obtaining    the   required     qualification     for  any   post   as mentioned    above.  till the last  date  of online  application.
Experience     certificate     must    consist    of  Name   of  the   post.    Employer's     Name,   Address. Employee's     Name.  Date  or  Joining   (DOJ)  and    Dale   of  Leaving   (DOL)  otherwise     his/her experience    will  be treated    as  invalid. No appointment     letter/joining      letter   will be treated   as experience    certificate.
No objection   certificate    from  the  employer   may  be given  ifpossible.
5.On-line   Registration      Number    should    be retained     by all applicants      fOI'  future   reference.   The authority      is not  liable   to give any  information      regarding      the  on-line   Registration      no. in future.
6.No rounding   off marks   wi II be granted.  Proportionate     marking   up to 2 decimal    point'    wi II be considered.
7.Candidate   have  to submit   self  attested     hard   copies   (photocopies)      of all the  relevant    mark  sheets, certificates     and  relevant    documents      along   with   printed    copy  of on-line   application.
8.The  Higber  Secondary    (10+2)  percentage    of marks  will  be calculated   as  per  the  norms   of the  Council or  equivalent    Board.   Marks  will  be  calculated  on  the  basis   of 2 languages    and  3 compulsory    elective Subjects   (Total 5 Subjects)   only as per  marks  sheet  of the  Council/   Board,  whichever    appli  'able.
University    Marks  in case   of Graduation  and   Post  Graduation     will  be  calculated    on  the  basis  of marks  obtained   in all the  University    Examinations.
9.Place  of posting   may  be changed   as per  the vacancy  or  requirement     at the  time  of joining   of that
particular    post.
10.The   recruitment      process     including    scoring    for   the   different     posts    will   be   done   as   per   the relevant    Terms    of  Reference    (TOR)  issued    by  the   Competent     Authority     which   is applicable   for  thai particular    post.
11.Wrong   entry    in   the   online    application     (lower    marks    or   higher    marks),    any   mismatch    with the   originals,  applications    will  be treated   as cancelled   during   any stage  in the  selection   process.
12.In case  of any  anomalies    or discrepancies  found  with  the  requirements     or originals   of the  applicant the  Competent   Authority   may cancel  the  candidate    in any stage  of the selection   process   even and after selection.
13.During   the  recru itmenr    procc-.-,   ifnew   l'OC(I/Il'l'is created     in any   post.  selecti..n of the candidate     will  be  made   from  the  panel   prepared      from  this  Recruitment       notificatioi .
14.The  decision    of the  Competent      Authority     regarding     the  recruitment       is  final.
Applicants     will  be  requested       to  visit  ~\w~Y.Jlortll24ill!.I~Llashealth.()rg     at  the  URL  "Recruitment"
to  till up  the online    application.     The date   of online   application     will  start   from  13.01."022 and  end
date  will  be .  and  other    ill he puhlished   in  following          for  the   further   communication        details.    All will  be advised    to  keep    visiting      accordingly       on regular    basis   to  see  the   progreso    of recruitment       process.     No  separate     letter   will  be  issued.

Thanks for reading Recruitment of various post in Government of West Bengal District Health &Family Welfare Samiti

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