Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Recruitment of various post in Government of India Ministry of Science

  Realbloggerinfo       Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Government of India Ministry  of Science  & Technology Department of Science & Technology Technology  Bhavan,  New  Mehrauli   Road New Delhi -110016.

ADVT. NO. DST/ 0112021 -  E-III.

Applications  are  invited  from  Indian   citizens  for  filling  up  of  13  posts  of  Scientists  on  direct recruitment  basis in the Department  of Science & Technology as per details given below :-

1.         NAME OF POST:                

I'.             SCALE OF PAY:                       TOTAL NO. OF  VACANCIES:    Nine (09)

iii.        NATURE OF POST:           


v.       EXPERIENCE:
Twelve years'  experience  in research and development  in industrial and academic institutions or science and technology  organisations  or scientific activities and services, out of which six years   shall  be  in  managerial   capacity   in  science  and  technology  programme,   planning, development  and cooperation.

Note:  For the post of Scientist  'F',  period  spent on acquiring  essential  qualification  shall not count towards  experience.    However,  period  spent  on post  doctorate  research  in a University  or research  Institute as evidenced by certification by such University  or Institute and publication of research  work in journals  of repute, subject to maximum  of two years,  shall be counted as expenence.

4.         AGE  LIMIT:

The upper age limit for direct recruits shall be 35 years  in case of Scientist  'C',  40 years  for Scientist
'D'  and 50 years  for Scientist  'F'  as on the closing  date for receipt  of applications.  The upper age limit is relaxable  for Government  Servants  up to five years  in accordance  with the orders  issued by the Central  Government.  Any other relaxation  in age limit shall be in accordance  with orders issued by the Central Government  from time to time.

Note:  The crucial date for determining  the age limit and eligibility  shall be closing date for receipt of application.

The screening  and selection  process  shall be as prescribed  by Central Government.  The composition of the eligibility  Committee,  screening-cum-short   listing Committee  and interview Board etc. shall be as  prescribed  by  Central  Government.   However,  majority  of the  members  in the  screening-cum­ shortlisting   Committee   and  Interview   Board,   including  the  Chairman  shall  be  from  outside  the Department  of Science  and Technology.  If considered  necessary,  the screening  process  shall include written  test,  to  be  conducted   by  the  Central  Government   directly  or  through  any  other  Central Government  agency or organization  having experience  and expertise in the area.


1. The  number  of posts  to be filled  may vary.  The  Department   also  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  the recruitment  without  assigning  any reason.
'1.1.                      The vacancies  for the posts  of Scientist  °C', °D' & of'  are  outside  the purview  of reservation.
111.                 The        relevant        Recruitment        Rules        are       available        on       the       following        link:   .in/sit•esldefaultlfil es!gaze U.ed- pos(:-2013.pd f. The candidates  are advised to refer the same before filling the online application  form.
IV.           The applicants are advised to visit the Department's  website www;,in  regularly. Any addendum!corrigendum or any update  regarding  the recruitment  process  shall be posted  only on the Department's   website.
v,          Candidates  are advised  in their  own  interest  to submit  online  applications  much before  the  closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid  the possibility  of disconnection!  inability or failure to login to the portal on account  of heavy load on the website during the closing days.
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VI. The prescribed  essential  qualifications  are minimum  and the mere possession  of the  same  does  not entitle candidates  to be called for interview.  The consideration  of qualifications  as 'equivalent'   to the essential  and desirable  qualifications  stated  above  shall be the discretion  of the  relevant  committee constituted  for scrutinizing  the applications.    If the  number  of applications   received  in response  to advertisement   is  large,  the  Department   may  restrict  the  number   of  candidates   to  be  called  for interview to a reasonable  limit through  a shortlisting  process based on a well-defined  criterion  which may include  possessing  of desirable  qualifications  and / or experience  more than  that prescribed  in the   advertisement    and/or   qualifications/    experience   in   a  particular   field   as   per   the   specific requirement  of the Department.  A reserve panel of candidates  in order of merit will be prepared  from the candidates  called for interview  which will remain valid for a period  of one year from the date of interview. The panel can be utilized to fill up vacancies  arising as advertised  as well as vacancies  that might arise/ may have arisen  subsequent  to the date of publication  of this  advertisement  due to any reason  like retirement/resignation/death    etc. No correspondence   will be entertained  from  candidates who  are not called  for interview  / selected  for appointment.   Canvassing  in any  form  will  result  in disqualification  of candidature.
VII. Outstation  candidates  called for interview  will be paid to and fro second  class  rail/sleeper  class  rail fare by the shortest route.
VIII.              The selected candidates  are liable to serve anywhere  in India and outside.


(a) Eligible  Candidates  are required to fill and submit the applications  through  online  mode  only  on the following portal:   https:lIl'ccl'         using   valid   email   id.  Applications     received through   any  other  mode  would  not be accepted   and  summarily   rejected.   This online portal  shall be available  for a period  of 60 days  from the  date  of publication  of advertisement   in Employment News/  Rozgar  Samachar.  The  candidates  will  also  be  required  to upload  the  relevant  certificates/ documents.  The detailed  instructions  for filling the online application  may be seen by clicking  'How to Apply'  link on the portal. Candidates  must carefully  go through  the instructions  before  filling  the application  form. It is the responsibility  of the candidates  to ensure  that they  follow  the instructions while filling   the   application    and   upload   clear   legible   certificates/documents.     Uploading    of illegible/incorrect certificates/documents    may  lead  to  rejection  of  the  candidature.   Submission   of hard  copies  of applications  is NOT  REQUIRED.
(b) Note:   Experience/employment      certificates    for  work/research     work   must   clearly   indicate   the date  of joining,  date  of relieving  and  post held.
(c) Candidates   working   in  Government   Departments   /  Public   Sector  Undertakings    /  Autonomous
Organizations  should upload  No Objection   Certificate   (NOC)  from the competent  authority  of the organization  they are serving,  in the format  specified  at Annexure-I.  It is the  responsibility   of such candidates  to ensure that they obtain NOC from their Department/organization    within time to upload the same in the portal.
(d) Copies  of certificates  in support  of educational  qualifications,  date  of birth,  Disability,  Community
(in case  of SC/ST/OBC  candidates  only)  and  experience  should  be uploaded  with  the  application. Candidates  will have to produce the original certificates  as and when required.

In  caSe of  any  discrepancies   found  between  Hindi  &  En~lish   vers.ion 0f the  .advertisement    the
English  versiQn of the advertisement  will prevail.
(J. Slvaramakrishnan)
Under   Secretary   to the Govt.  ofIndia 



(i)         Certified   that   Sh.   /   Smt.   /   Ms.........................................                   joined    this   organisation    as
......                                  (Name   of  the  post)   with  effect  from                        and   is  presently   working   as
........................          (Name of post).
(ii)       It is also  certified  that  no disciplinary  / vigilance  proceedings  are  either  pending  or  contemplated against the officer.  Integrity  of the officer is also certified.
(iii)      The    application     of    Sh.    /    Smt.    /    Ms........   .. .. .. .. ......  .. .... ......  ......  .   to    the    post    of
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. is recommended.  In case of his/ her selection, the Department  / organization  will relieve him/her.

Signature  of   the Head   of the
Organization  / Office with Office Seal


Thanks for reading Recruitment of various post in Government of India Ministry of Science

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