Recruitment of Associate (I.T.) on probation.
(Recruitment No.4)
The Daman & Diu State Co-op Bank Ltd., having Head office at Daman and branches at Daman and Diu district, is looking for Associate (Information Technology) on probation having experience of working in banking.
The details are given below:
➢ Initial period of 2 years will be a probation period, the extension for next year shall be granted only on satisfactory service of the employee. Accordingly, till completion of two years, extension shall be for next one year only.
➢ In case of non-satisfactory service or disciplinary issues or issues involving moral turpitude, the employee shall be terminated without any notice or formalities.
➢ If selected candidate resigns or leave the job before completion of probation period, 3 month’s
salary shall be recovered as administrative expenses from him / her.
➢ Posting and liable to service anywhere with U. T. of Dadra Nagar Haveli, Daman, Diu or wherever branches of the Bank are located.
➢ The eligible candidates will be called for examination and or personal interaction and the decision of the Bank in this regard shall be final.
➢ Syllabus for written test will be published on Bank’s Official Portal
➢ Weightage will be given for his/ her performance.
➢ Good presentation skill and strong written and oral communication skill.
➢ The Candidate should have strong analytical skill with excellent working knowledge of
computers and information technology.
➢ Number of posts may vary as per requirement and future vacancy in the Bank. Presently, Bank is considering 02 Posts for Programmer, 01 Post for Database Specialist and 02 Post for IT Support. However, the same may vary as per the requirement, availability and quality of candidate.
Applicants can apply online from , Applicants have to submit their applications with relevant documents in the asked format. Applicant can apply for more than one post.
Last date for submission of application is 30.09.2021. No application shall be entertained beyond the stipulated date. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
a) Application to be filled in Capital letters only.
b) While applying for the post, the applicant should ensure that he/ she completely fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned above and that the particulars furnished are correct in all respects. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment or service that a Candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/ or that he/ she has furnished any incorrect or false information or has surpassed any material fact(s), his/ her candidature shall automatically stand cancelled. If any of the above short coming(s) is/ are detected even after appointment, his/ her appointment is liable to be terminated without any notice.
c) In case of suitable and deserving cases, any of the requirements and conditions of eligibility mentioned above, may be relaxed at the discretion of the Management. The Management reserves all the rights to fill or not to fill the above advertised position without assigning any reason thereof.
d) Merely submission of application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him/ her right to be called for interview.
e) In case of any doubt/clarification please contact below:
General Manager (Administration)
The Daman & Diu State Co-op Bank Ltd., Head Office: H. No. 14/54,
1st Floor, Dilip Nagar,
Nani Daman-396210
Mobile: 9824115885.
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