Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Recruitment of various post in National Commission for Scheduled Castes

  Realbloggerinfo       Tuesday, February 8, 2022

 National   Commission   for Scheduled   Castes
(A Constitutional  body set up under  of the Constitution  of  India)

 Lokanayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi

Notice for Engaeement   of  Legal Consultants  in NCSC purely  on contract  basis

Subject:   Engagement    of   Legal   Consultants   in  National   Commission   for  Scheduled
Castes, New Delhi.
National Commission  for Scheduled Castes (NCSC), Govt. of India, New Delhi invites applications for engagement of 06 Legal Consultants; purely on contract basis. Instructions for filling up of application form, eligibility conditions and other details are given in Annexures.
2.The interested candidates  may fill up application  form and the declaration  as given in Annexures and send the same online through email only to the undersigned at email id "kisban.chand68@nic.in".     Last date for submission of application is 15 days from the date of publication of advertisement to this effect in NewspaperlEmployments  News, whichever is later. incomplete applications, applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected.

(Kishan Chand) 

Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

Copy to the following authorities with the request to upload this notice on their website for wide circulation of the same:
i.The Under Secretary (SCD-VJ), Mlo SJ&£, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 

ii.The Under Secretary (Coordination), DoPT, North Block, New Delhi.

iii.Shri Abrar, Computer Programme, NCSC, New Delhi.

Eligibility & other Conditions for engagement of Legal Consultant

Subject: Engagement  of  Legal  Consultants  in  National  Commission for  Scheduled
Castes, New Delhi,

*  Numbers  of  vacancies   may  be  increased  or  decreased   without   notice  depending   on
requirement of the NCSC.
Other Conditions of Engagement
1.Working Hours:  Working  hours of the Commission  is from .
However,  in the exigency  of work, Consultants may be required  to sit late and attend office  on  Saturdays  /  Sundays! Holidays.  No  compensatory  leave  will  be  given  for attending  office  on  Saturdays!  Sundays/  Holidays.  Consultants  would  be  required  to
compulsorily    enrol  themselves    in Aadhaar   based  Biometric   Attendance    System   (BAS)
and mark their  attendance   at the time of arrival  and departure
2.Leave:    Paid   leave   days  for  each  completed  month,  subject  to  approval  of controlling officer. There will be no accumulation of leave beyond a calendar year
3.Performance   Appraisal:   A quarterly Performance Appraisal of the Consultants will be done to bring objectivity  in the assessment  of performance  of consultants.  Assessment will  be done by  the controlling  officer  and the  same  would  be  the  basis  for further continuation or termination of the legal consultant, as the case may be.
4.Termination:   National Commission for Scheduled Castes may terminate the contract for engagement as legal consultant at any time under any of the following conditions.
(i)Legal Consultant unable to address the assigned works.
(ii)Quality of output of Legal Consultant not to the satisfaction of the Commission. (iii)      Legal Consultant failed to do the work within the prescribed time.
(iv)Legal Consultant lacking in honesty and integrity.
(v)The Commission  also reserves the right to terminate the contract unilaterally by giving  15 days'  notice.  Legal  Consultant  will also  have  the  right  to end  the contract  by giving  15 days'  notice. Legal  Consultant's   Notice  Period  can  be curtailed with the approval of competent authority.
5.Applicability  of Official Secrets Act & other  relevant  Acts/Rules  etc ..
Legal  Consultant  will  be  governed  by  the  Official  Secrets  Act,  1923 and  shall  not
disclose any information / data that they may gather by virtue of being legal consultant in NCSC, to any unauthorised person during or after period of their engagement as Legal Consultant  in the Commission.  In this regard their attention  is also  drawn  to various Circulars issued by the CVC/other Statutory Bodies under which any misuse of official position makes them accountable and triable under due process of law. Legal Consultant must work and act at all times, in the interest of the Commission and render service with professional integrity, transparency, competitiveness and courtesy.
6.Submission  of Files/Cases:  Legal Consultants will be required to submit their files/cases through their controlling officers.
7.Procedure   for  Selection:  All applications received will be scrutinized,  shortlisted and will be placed  before a Screening Committee. The Screening Committee  will  interact with the shortlisted  candidates and recommend a panel, including waitlisted candidates. Recommendations of the Screening Committee will be placed before the competent authority for approval.
8.The NCSC reserves the right to cancel the advertisement, at any stage. It may accept or reject any application(s) received even after closing of advertisement  or extend due date for receiving applications
Submission of Application: The application should be in the format as given in and shall  be accompanied  with self-attested copies  of relevant documents.  The applications are to be submitted online through e-mail only at email id "kishao.chand.in".Thelast     date for submission of application is 15 days from the date of publication  of an advertisement  to this effect in Newspaper/Employment  News. Incomplete application, applications received after due date will be summarily rejected. No TAJDA etc. will be given for completing any pre-engagement formalities.

9.Do you have  Laptop/Computer    (YesINo)                                             ..
10.Knowledge   of computer/internet    (Please  tick)
(a)MS Word: working knowledge/proficient: 
(b)MS Excel: working knowledge/proficient:
(c)Power Point Presentation: working knowledge/proficient:
(d)Internet application and tools (cloud/sharing etc.):working knowledge/proficient:
(e)E-Office: working knowledge/proficient
11.Is any relative/known working in NCSC. Ifso, details thereof: -
12.Have you previously worked in NCSC. If so, details thereof: -
13.Any other relevant information: -
I solemnly declare that all the statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief  I understand and agree that in the event of any information being  found false or incomplete/incorrect,  my candidature  is liable to be rejected and I shall be bound by the decision of the National Commission  for Scheduled Castes. I have read the Vacancy Circular and ready to accept all the terms and conditions  for engagement of consultant.

Undertaking     for  engagement    as Legal  Consultant     in
National    Commission    for  Scheduled    Castes
National  Commission    for Scheduled   Castes
 Loknayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Subject: Agreement for engagement as Legal Consultant (Retired) in NCSC Sir,
I, (name), bereby accept all the   terms   &  conditions    as   mentioned    in   NCSC's    advertisement    issued   vide  inviting   applications   for engagement asLegal Consultant in NCSC.
2.I do swear that J  will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Commission and to the Constitution of India and  will uphold the sovereignty  and  integrity  of India and will do my duties with full loyalty, faithfulness and impartially.
3.I do swear that  I will not disclose, communicate  to any unauthorized  party/person any information that J  may gather or access during the course of performing duties as consultant in NCSC. I shall not remove/take  away any document from the NCSC without authorization from the competent authority.

Thanks for reading Recruitment of various post in National Commission for Scheduled Castes

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