HAL Education Committee
HAL Facilities Management Division Building
Vimanapura Post, Banqalore
Applications are invited for the following posts at HAL Schools (CBSE/ICSE), Bangalore for the AY
Terms and conditions:1.This Advertisement for recruitment of the above posts is for the tenure period of 5 years.
2.The tenure may be extended for further period subject to requirement of management and satisfactory performance during service. Further, Management also reserves the right to absorb the candidateson regular basis upon completion of 5 years tenure period or extension thereof based on requirement of management and satisfactory performance.
3.Teaching experience of 5 years is required in Middle/High School level (VI to X) for TGT posts.
However, preference would be given to the candidate having teaching experience at IX-X standards.
. Candidates should be able to teach integrated science at high school level. Minimum 2 years experienceis required in Primary level (I to V) for PRTposts and it is 5 years for Nursery posts.
4.Only post qualification experiencein CBSE/ICSESchoolswill be considered as experience. However, in respect of Kannadapost, State Boardschool experiencewill also be considered.
5.Periodof experiencewill be computed as on the date of releaseof this advertisement.
6.Experienceof one academicyear refers to 10 months, excluding summer vacation.
7.Candidates must have secured an aggregate of 50% in Graduation and 50% in teaching subjects in B.Ed for posts at SI. No. 1 to 7. For posts at 51. No.8 to 11, candidates must have secured an aggregate of 50% from Diploma/Graduationonwards. Further, EducationalQualification as mentioned above should be from recognizedUniversity/AICTE.
8.Wherever, the candidates have obtained grades in place of marks, candidates have to convert the grades into marks based on the conversionformula meant for their University/Institute and fill-in the online application form. The onus is on the candidate to provide the documentary evidence for the conversion formula at the time of certificate verification.
9.Integrated course offered by the Institutes like RegionalInstitute Education (RIE) would be equated with Graduation and recognized Degree/Diploma in Education. However, candidate should be a Graduate in/with the subject in all the years for the post applied for.
10.The selection will be done through Written Test (WT), Demo and Interview for all the posts.
Candidates should possessgood communication skills in English. There would be an assessment in General English during Written Test for all the posts along with assessment in the concerned subject applied for.
11.The date, time and venue of the Demo and Interview will be intimated only to the short-listed candidatesby E-mail! Telephonically.
12.Internal candidates of HAL Schools (CBSE/ICSE),Bangalore are also eligible to apply subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as notified.
13.Candidatesmeeting above eligibility criteria shall submit their applications only through online portal (http://career.halec.co.in), with a payment of Rs. 250/- towards application fee. Link for online portal is also available at HAL EducationCommittee website (www.halec.co.in). school websites (www.halnewpublicschool.co.in, www.halgnanajyotischool.co.in) and HAL website (www.hal india.co.in). Candidatesapplying for more than one post are required to fill separate application for each post.
14.The online application portal will be active. Online portal will be
closed automatically and applicationscan't be submitted after the due date.
15.Before proceeding to submit an online application, candidate will be required to have scanned image of his/her photograph and other related documents such as educational qualification (SSLC, PUC, Diploma, Graduation, Post Graduation and B.Ed), Age, Experience certificates etc as mentioned in this advertisement. These documents are mandatorily to be uploaded in the online portal wherever applicable. Image of the files (documents/photograph) must be in PDF or lPG or Word format only. When uploading these documents, ensure that they are of a good quality and display all relevant information, across all pages.
16.In case of a candidate who is working at the time of submitting application, an appointment letter and latest Salary certificate/Salary slip from the current employer will also be accepted in lieu of Experience Certificate.
17.Applications received through other modes viz. Post/Courier/Fax/E-mail etc will not be accepted and will be summarily rejected. No application will be received in person.
18.Any query regarding submission of application, payment of fee etc, may contact HAL schools at, for assistance.
19.The organization reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason. The organization also reserves the right to cancel the advertisement/ recruitment at any stage due to any administrative reasons. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. The Decision of School Management is final on all matters.
20.The organization reserve the right to shortlist the candidates to be called for Written Test depending upon the number of applications received.
21.Any sort of canvassing or influenCing the Officials related to the recruitment/Selection Processwould result in immediate disqualification of the candidate.
22.It is to be noted that the above mentioned positions pertain to HAL Education Committee® a
Registered Society and not that of Hindustan Aeronautics Umited.
HAL Education Committee
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