Saturday, April 22, 2023

Recruitment of variours post in All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur

  kannada       Saturday, April 22, 2023

 All  India Institute of  Medical Sciences Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

G.  E.  Road,  Tatibandh, Raipur-492 099  (CG) 


All   India  Institute  of  Medical   Sciences,  Raipur  invites  applications (through  Google   Form) between 08.04.2023  to  17.04.2023 (5:00 PM) from the  Medical  Graduates  for the  post  of JUNIOR RESIDENT (NON  ACADEMIC) under  Govt. of India  Residency Scheme for six (06) months.

The  details are as follows:

Abbreviation: UR-Unreserved, EWS-Economically Weaker  Section, OBC-Other Backward Classes, SC-Scheduled
Castes, ST-Scheduled Tribes.
As  per  guidelines EWS  posts  are  not  carried  forward/or  Considered as  backlog vacancy in  case
unfilled  hence other  category candidates may  be allowed  provisionally to apply  for post  subjected to  condition that  they  will be considered for the  post  as an URs  Candidate only  if EWS  category seat is otherwise not filled.
I.   APPLICATION PROCESS:  Candidates  may   send   the   duly  filled   application  through Google Formin the given time. Advertisement  and   application   proforma  have   been   uploaded  at   AIIMS    Raipur website 
II. APPLICATION  FEE:   A   non-refundable   application  fee  is   required  to   be   paid   by candidates in  online/digital  mode  only.  Applications without the  prescribed fee will  not be considered. The application fee applicable to various categories are as follow:-

III. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED:  Attested  photocopies   of Degrees, Certificates,  Mark sheets, Age proof, Caste  certificates.
IV.        AGE:
1. For eligibility to  apply   for the  above  said  post,  upper age  limit   as  on  last  date  of application will  be 30 years.
2.    Age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and  3 years for OBC candidates.
3. In   the   case  of  Persons  with   Disabilities  (PWD)   candidates,  age  relaxation  up   to maximum period of 5 years for General  Category, 8 years for OBC  category and  10 years for SC/ST category  candidates.
1.  The   reservation   for  ST/SC/OBC   candidates is   as   per  Central  Govt.   rules  and
4 %  for PWBD candidates (on horizontal basis).  Physical requirement & Categories of
disabled eligible  for these posts is as follows:

2.  For  OBC  Candidate:  Candidates must  attach   certificate  valid  for the  posts  under the   Central  Government  of  India  which  mentions  that   the   Candidate  does  not
belong  to  Creamy Layer. Date  of issue  of Certificate  should  not  be  earlier than  1 year  from the  last  date  of submission of Application Form,  which  is  17.04.2023, i.e. should not have  been  issued  before  18.04.2022.
3.  EWS    Certificate   for   Junior    Residency   should   have    been    issued    after
01.04.2023 till last date  of application i.e.  17.04.2023 form filling  based  on the
income on year  2022-23. Also,  as per DOPT  guidelines EWS reservation will be
given  to  eligible  candidate subject to  production of  EWS  certificate in  DOPT
format  in DOPT  website.
4.  For SC,  ST  and   OBC  –   Certificate  should  be  issued   by  Tehsildar  or  above  rank authorities prescribed by Govt.  of India in  format of State/Central Government.
VI.         For PWD:
PWD   candidate  including   OPH   may   be   considered   as   per  PWD   ACT’2016.  4%
reservation (on horizontal basis) of total  posts is implemented.
i.The  candidate must  possess a valid  document certifying his/her  physical disability is conforming  to  judgment  of  Supreme Court  of  India i.e.:  “With the  approval  of  the Ministry of Health &  Family Welfare,  Govt.   of India vide  letter no.  18018/2/2009- ME(P-1)  dated   17.02.2009  it  has  been  decided   that   while   providing  reservation  in admission to medical  course in  the  first instance candidates with  disability of lower limbs   between   50%   to  70%   shall   be  considered  and   in   case  candidates  are  not available of such  candidates in  that   category then   the  candidates with   disability of lower limbs  between  40%  to 50%  will  also be considered for admission as per decision in   the   Writ  Petition   (Civil)   184/2005-Dr.  Kumar Sourav Vs.  UOI  &  others in   the Supreme Court of India”.
ii.The  disability  certificate should  be  signed   by   a  duly  constituted and   authorized Medical  Board of the  State  or Central Govt.  Hospitals/  Institutions & countersigned by Medical  Superintendent. 
iii.The  constitution of the  Medical   Board will  be  one  consultant each  from  respective disciplines.
iv.PWD  candidates  who   apply   will   be  considered  against   seats  in   category  in   which he/she has  applied i.e.  GEN/SC/ST or OBC. Last  seat/s  in  the  respective category will be offered  to PwD  candidates, in  case PWD  candidate is  not  able  to make  on  his/her their own merit.
VII.        The engagement  shall  be for a period of six (06) months. The posts are under residency scheme, Govt.  of India and  under no circumstances are linked to regular appointment and  cannot be regularized at any  stage.
VIII.         The  above temporary position shall  carry pay  in  the  Pay of Rs.  56100/- (Level-10  Cell
No. 01 As per 7th  CPC) per month plus  usual allowances including NPA.
a.   The  candidates should have  passed  MBBS (including completion of Internship) or equivalent degree recognized by MCI.
b.   Only those  candidates who  have  passed  MBBS  (including  Internship)  not  earlier than 03 (three)  years before  the  start date  of Junior Residency i.e.  as on the  date  of application will  be preferred.
c.   DMC  /MCI/State Registration is mandatory before joining, if selected.
d.   Those  who  had   joined  Junior  Residency anywhere  else  and   whose  services  were terminated on  account of unauthorised absence  or any  other disciplinary/  ground, will  be ineligible to be considered for JR  post even if they  otherwise qualify.
The   Medical   Graduates,   who   have   completed    their  Internship  on   or  between
18.04.2020 to 17.04.2023 only  will be considered.
a.  Junior Residency (Non-Academic) will be provided first  to all the  AIIMS,  Raipur MBBS  graduates who  fulfil  the  eligibility criteria. The  merit  for  AIIMS  Raipur MBBS  graduates will be made  on the  basis  of their  aggregate marks  in the  first, second  and  final   Professional  examinations.  All  JR (Non  Acad)  posts   which remain  unfilled after  allotment to AIIMS  Raipur  MBBS  graduates will be offered to other  candidates
b.   Selection of JR (Non Acad) for the candidates of other institutions will  be done only  on the basis of Interview.
c.   Waiting list  as may  be deemed  fit will  be maintained. Any  vacancy  arising because  of non-joining  by  selected  candidates in  this  selection  or by  resignation of candidates post will  be offered to the candidates from the waiting list  according to the merit.

1. The appointment is purely on contract basis (under residency scheme, GoI) for a period of six  months. If  the  contract is  not  extended further,  the  same  will  lapse  automatically. The   appointment  can   also  be  terminated  at  any   time,  on  either  side,  by  giving   one month’s notice  or by  paying one  month’s salary,  without assigning any  reason or failure to  complete  the  period of three months to  the  satisfaction of competent   authority. The appointee shall  be on the  whole  time  appointment of the  AIIMS  and  shall  not  accept  any other  assignment,  paid  or  otherwise and  shall   not  engage  himself/herself  in  a  private practice  of any  kind during the  period of contract. He/  She  is expected  to conform to the rules of conduct and  discipline as  applicable to  the  institute employees.  The  appointee shall  perform the  duties  assigned  to him/her. The  competent  authority  reserves the  right 
to   assign   any   duty  as   and   when   required.  No  extra/additional   allowances will   be admissible in case of such  assignment.
2. If  an  appointee  wishes  to  apply   somewhere else  or resign,  then   neither he/she  will   be issued  a  No  Objection  Certificate (NOC)  nor he/she  will  receive any  Relieving Letter or Experience Certificate.
3. The  appointee shall  not  be entitled to any  benefit  like  Provident Fund,  Pension,  Gratuity, Medical  Attendance Treatment, Seniority, Promotion etc. or any  other benefits  available to the Government Servants, appointed on regular basis.
4.       The candidate should not have  been convicted  by any  Court of Law.
5. In  case of any  information given  or declaration by  the  candidate is found  to be false or if the    candidate   has   will-fully   suppressed   any    material   information   relevant   to   this appointment, he/she will  be liable  to be removed from the  service and  any  action  taken  as deemed fit by the appointing authority.
6. The  decision  of the  competent  authority regarding selection  of candidates will  be final  and no representation will  be entertained in this  regard.
7.       Incomplete applications in any  aspect will  be summarily rejected.
8. The  Competent    Authority     reserves    the     right    of     any      amendment, cancellation and  changes  to this  advertisement as a whole  or in  part without assigning any  reason or giving  notice.
9.       Leave  entitlement of the  appointee  shall   be  governed  as  per Govt.   of India’s Residency
10. The  appointee shall  not  be entitled to avail  any  allowances/facilities being  extended to the regular/permanent  faculty members of the AIIMS.
11.    All disputes will  be subject  to jurisdictions of Court of Law at Raipur.
12. For   any    query   in    this    regard,   please    contact    at    0771-2577228   and    Email   at residentrecruitment
13.    For any  updates please visit  the institute website  regularly

Director and CEO AIIMS  Raipur  (CG) 


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