National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited
National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited has been set up by the Government of India as a Corporation under the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways to fast pace construction/ up-gradation/ widening of National Highways in the North• Eastern Region and areas that share International boundaries with neighbouring countries.
Applications are invited from dynamic, effective and experienced eligible Officers working in Central/State/UT Government Ministries/ Departments, Indian Army/Navy/ Air- Force, Border Road Organization(GREF), Central/State Autonomous Bodies, Central/State Public Sector Undertakings, etc. on Transfer on Deputation basis for the following posts:
*Number of vacancies in the posts may vary, depending upon the requirement. Further, NHIDCL reserves the right to prepare a panel of selected candidates for filling up the indicated and future vacancies that may arise in NHIDCL.
•• If sufficient number of eligible Applicants are not available for the post of Manager (Legal), in that case, applicants may also be considered for appointment/ engagement in the lower Pay Scale equivalent to the posts of Deputy Manager (Pay Leve-10), Assistant Manager (Pay Level-8) and Junior Manager (Pay Level-?) on Deputation or engagement on Contract, if they meet the eligibility criteria as mentioned under Para (2) below.
Last date for submission of Application: 06 (six) weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. Date of Publication of the Advertisement in the Employment News shall be displayed on the NHIDCL
For Eligibility Criteria and detailed Terms and Conditions please visit-NHIDCL Website
Applications shall have to be submitted only in on-line mode for which link has been posted on the NHIDCL website No applications in any other mode like By Hand or By Post or By E-mail shall be accepted under any circumstances.
NOTE 1: Crucial date for deciding eligibility (viz. age, length of service, etc.) of the
Candidates shall be 01.01.2023.
NOTE 2: Candidate submitting application on Transfer on Deputation basis shall be required also to submit his/her application through proper channel. He/she will be allowed to appear in the interview, even if shortlisted for a post, only if his/her application is received through proper channel along with copies of AC Rs/ APARs for last five years, No Objection Certificate (NOC) and Vigilance Clearance (VC) from his/her parent organization.
NOTE 3: Retired Officer(s) who have served in the Government and satisfy the prescribed eligibility criteria, may also apply for the post on Contract basis provided he/she has not attained the age of 62 years as on the crucial date for submission of applications.
NOTE 4: Any change or amendment in this Vacancy Circular will be posted on the NHIDCL Website only.
NOTE 5: Incomplete applications or those received after the prescribed date shall be summarily rejected.
(1) Details of Educational Qualifications, Eligibility criterion and required Experience are given below:•
(2) (a) Deputy Manager (Legal) (Pay Leve-10):
Governments or Union Territories or
Universities or Recognized Research
Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations and other Government Bodies and fulfilling the qualification and experience prescribed in column
(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the Pay Level-10 (Pre-revised Pay Band-3, Rs.15,600-39,100/- with Grade Pay Rs.5400/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern inthe parent cadre/ department;
(ii)With four years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the Pay Level-8 (pre revised Pay Band-2, Rs.9,300•
34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs.4800/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern in
the parent cadre/ department.
(b) Assistant Manager (Legal) (Pay Level-9):
(i)Holding analogous post on regular basis in the Pay Level-8 (Pre revised Pay Band-2, Rs. 9,300-34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs.4800/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern in the parent cadre/ department;
(ii)With two years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the Pay Level-? (Pre revised Pay Band-2, Rs.9,300•
34,800)/- with Grade Pay Rs.4600/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern in the parent cadre/ department.
(c) Junior Manager (Legal) (Pay Level-?):
(i)Holding analogous post on regular basis in the Pay Level-? (Pre revised Pay Band-2, Rs.9,300-34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs.4600/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern in the parent cadre/ department;
(ii)With five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in the Pay Level-6 (Pre revised Pay Band-2, Rs. 9,300-
34,800/- with Grade Pay Rs.4200/-) in CDA pattern or equivalent in IDA pattern in
the parent cadre/ department.
(3) The initial tenure of engagement on Contract shall be two years, which can be extended/ curtailed further with the approval of the Competent Authority up to the maximum age limit of 65 years.
(4) The initial period of Deputation shall be three (03) years, which can be extended further up to the permissible limit, with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(5) The Terms & Conditions and pay/remuneration of the Officer(s) selected for appointment on Deputation / engagement on Contract basis will be governed as per extant Rules of Government of India/ NHIDCL policy, as amended from time to time.
(6) In case of selection on Contract basis, Officers shall be paid remuneration as per details given below:•
(7) An Annual increase of 5% of the pay drawn in NHIDCL on 1 July rounded off to next hundred rupees shall be granted to the Officers engaged on Contract basis on completion of at least 6 months of Contract service as on 1 July provided the Pay_so raised and the Pension put together does not exceed the maximum of_the Pay_Level pf_the post concerned, or Rs.224000/- per month, whichever is lower.
(8) In the case of Serving Officers, their application should be forwarded through proper channel by the parent Office/ Organization, along with the following documents:•
(i) No Objection Certificate of parent Department/Ministry for the appointment of the applicant to the post applied for.
(ii) Vigilance Clearance, Integrity Certificate and details of penalties imposed, if any, during the last 10 years on the Officer. This should be duly certified by the Authorized Officer i.e. Head of Office.
(iii) Certified copies of the ACRs/ APARs of the applicant for the last five years.
(9) In the case of retired Officers who are applying for the post on Contract basis, the Pension Payment Orders (PPO), if borne on the pensionable service, and Summary of ACRs/ APARs for the last five years should be attached/uploaded with the Application failing which his/her Application shall not be entertained.
(10) Applications of those Officers who were serving in NHIDCL on Deputation/ Contract and were dis-engaged pre-mature by NHIDCL or they left NHIDCL at their own choice since last two years, shall not be considered.
(11) Applications of the Candidates who were given offer of appointment/ engagement on Deputation/ Contract during last two years but did not join, will not be given preference.
(12) Candidate(s) selected for the post on Deputation basis shall not be allowed to be repatriated within a period of 02 years from the date of their appointment in NHIDCL.
(13) Incomplete applications or those received after the last date for submission of application shall be summarily rejected. Those candidates, who had applied earlier for the above mentioned post but were not called for interview, need not apply again.
(14) If a large number of applications are received, only those candidates who are short listed on the basis of qualifications, experience, tenure and level of service in the relevant field shall be considered for selection.
(15) The posts carry all India service liability. Therefore, only those who are willing to serve anywhere in India especially in the North Eastern Region, Leh/ Ladakh/ J&K, A& N Islands should apply.
(16) The Advertisement can be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the
Competent Authority without assigning any reasons there for.
(17) Eligible Candidate(s) who are willing to serve in NHIDCL may submit their application(s) in Online mode at the link available at the NHIDCL along with a photograph, signature and summary of APARs/ACRs for last 05 years, within 06 (six) weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News after which the said link shall stand disabled.
(S. Ramakrishnan)
Dy. General Manager (HR)
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